Weak Immune System and Acne

Toxic yeast in colon (large intestine) releases
toxins into bloodstream, thus congesting the liver.
Candida is a type of yeast naturally present in everyone’s intestinal tract. The beneficial bacteria also found in the body’s intestinal tract (colon) is the immune system’s natural defense force (army), killing harmful bacteria and keeping Candida under control by feeding on it. The proper balance between Candida and beneficial bacteria ensures that the Candida can live in the body without causing any harm. This is known as a strong and healthy immune system.

You might of heard about the relation between a weak immune system and acne, but what exactly does a weak immune system mean? Well, the immune system becomes weak when the beneficial bacteria (acidophilus and bifido) are destroyed. Without beneficial bacteria to keep them under control, Candida becomes free to proliferate (reproduce and multiply) out of control, causing a Candida overgrowth known as Candidiasis (toxic yeast).

Candidiasis can produce over 100 symptoms of which Acne is only one. As Candidiasis dominates the intestinal tract it releases over 70 different toxins that are absorbed into the bloodstream, thus placing a huge burden on the liver since the liver is the body’s primary detoxification organ responsible for purifying the bloodstream. Candidiasis also indirectly causes hormonal imbalance since it weakens the liver by congesting it with toxins, thus hindering its ability to effectively purify the bloodstream from used androgen hormones.

Top 4 causes of Candidiasis
  1. Antibiotics are the most common cause of Candidiasis. While effective in killing harmful bacteria, antibiotics destroy necessary beneficial bacteria as well. Without beneficial bacteria, Candida is free to proliferate. Any (unnatural) medications that are meant to kill bacteria will inevitably kill the beneficial bacteria as well. Birth control pills can also promote Candida Overgrowth.
  2. Nutritional deficiencies also weaken immune defense mechanisms (beneficial bacteria) which rely on these nutrients to survive, allowing Candida to dominate and grow.
  3. A diet high in sugars and refined carbs is a major contributor to the overgrowth of Candida since these are the primary foods they feed on to survive. That is why Candidiasis is associated with a person’s craving for sugars and refined carbohydrates, which feed the yeast.
  4. Intestinal parasites can also cause Candidiasis since they excrete harmful ammonia and other toxins that destroy beneficial bacteria.

How to fix the problem

The most common mistake people make when treating Candidiasis is by only using a supplement that establishes beneficial bacteria with the hope that it will then control the candida overgrowth. Are you going to plant flowers where there is weed? No, because the weed will suppress the flowers’ growth.

Candidiasis must be killed first before beneficial bacteria can be established. Killing Candidiasis and restoring beneficial bacteria will allow the body’s intestinal tract to naturally rebalance itself with the correct amount of beneficial bacteria and Candida, bringing you one step closer to an acne free skin.