Congested Liver and Acne

Toxins released by Candidiasis are absorbed into
the bloodstream through the walls of the intestinal
tract where it enters the liver via the hepatic portal
vein. This constant supply of toxins overloads the
liver and hinder its ability to purify the bloodstream.
Let's discuss the most important organ responsible for the health of your skin – The Liver. The state of your liver directly reflects in your skin condition. If you have acne, then there is no doubt that your liver is congested. Please, do not underestimate the significance of the liver’s health on your skin condition. The level of severity in your skin condition is a direct reflection of your liver’s level of performance.

The liver is the primary detoxification organ in the body, holding 13 percent of the body’s blood at any given time, which it has to purify from toxins and used androgen hormones. These waste products are then forwarded to the intestines to expel out of the system via a bowel movement (visit to the toilet). The liver is literally the body’s filter.

Bile, a greenish liquid produced by hepatocytes (liver cells), is the substance used by the liver to excrete toxins and hormones from the liver. However, when the liver is constantly supplied with a surge of toxins from a weak Immune System, it becomes overloaded and eventually congested, which means that toxins are stored in the liver cells. This decreases the production of bile which hinders the liver’s ability to effectively purify the blood, resulting in toxins and androgen hormones to eventually circulate back into the bloodstream.  

Toxins that can't be expelled by the liver circulate in the bloodstream and eventually gets eliminated through the body’s secondary detoxification organ - the skin. Water soluble toxins are excreted through the sweat glands while oil soluble toxins are excreted through the sebaceous (oil) glands.

When the liver can’t effectively expel used androgen hormones, it will accumulate and circulate in the bloodstream, causing hormonal imbalance. The excess androgen hormones over stimulates the oil glands in the skin, which in turn produce and release excess oil to the surface of the skin. Excess oil will only cause very oily skin – not acne.

Acne appears when the sebaceous (oil) glands in the skin release excess oil (sebum) containing oil soluble toxins which block the skin pore, thus creating the environment for acne to form and survive.

How to fix the problem

Use concentrated liquid supplements to first stimulate bile production in the liver which will release stored toxins in the liver cells, then repair and regenerate the liver cellsThe impact of the liver on your skin condition is so significant that when treated correctly, yield amazing results almost overnight. It is like your acne melts away. That is because your liver is able to effectively purify the bloodstream from toxins and used androgen hormones, thus eliminating the root factors responsible for the formation and persistence of acne. Acne simply cannot form or survive if the liver is functioning optimally. End of the story. 

Weak Immune System and Acne

Toxic yeast in colon (large intestine) releases
toxins into bloodstream, thus congesting the liver.
Candida is a type of yeast naturally present in everyone’s intestinal tract. The beneficial bacteria also found in the body’s intestinal tract (colon) is the immune system’s natural defense force (army), killing harmful bacteria and keeping Candida under control by feeding on it. The proper balance between Candida and beneficial bacteria ensures that the Candida can live in the body without causing any harm. This is known as a strong and healthy immune system.

You might of heard about the relation between a weak immune system and acne, but what exactly does a weak immune system mean? Well, the immune system becomes weak when the beneficial bacteria (acidophilus and bifido) are destroyed. Without beneficial bacteria to keep them under control, Candida becomes free to proliferate (reproduce and multiply) out of control, causing a Candida overgrowth known as Candidiasis (toxic yeast).

Candidiasis can produce over 100 symptoms of which Acne is only one. As Candidiasis dominates the intestinal tract it releases over 70 different toxins that are absorbed into the bloodstream, thus placing a huge burden on the liver since the liver is the body’s primary detoxification organ responsible for purifying the bloodstream. Candidiasis also indirectly causes hormonal imbalance since it weakens the liver by congesting it with toxins, thus hindering its ability to effectively purify the bloodstream from used androgen hormones.

Top 4 causes of Candidiasis
  1. Antibiotics are the most common cause of Candidiasis. While effective in killing harmful bacteria, antibiotics destroy necessary beneficial bacteria as well. Without beneficial bacteria, Candida is free to proliferate. Any (unnatural) medications that are meant to kill bacteria will inevitably kill the beneficial bacteria as well. Birth control pills can also promote Candida Overgrowth.
  2. Nutritional deficiencies also weaken immune defense mechanisms (beneficial bacteria) which rely on these nutrients to survive, allowing Candida to dominate and grow.
  3. A diet high in sugars and refined carbs is a major contributor to the overgrowth of Candida since these are the primary foods they feed on to survive. That is why Candidiasis is associated with a person’s craving for sugars and refined carbohydrates, which feed the yeast.
  4. Intestinal parasites can also cause Candidiasis since they excrete harmful ammonia and other toxins that destroy beneficial bacteria.

How to fix the problem

The most common mistake people make when treating Candidiasis is by only using a supplement that establishes beneficial bacteria with the hope that it will then control the candida overgrowth. Are you going to plant flowers where there is weed? No, because the weed will suppress the flowers’ growth.

Candidiasis must be killed first before beneficial bacteria can be established. Killing Candidiasis and restoring beneficial bacteria will allow the body’s intestinal tract to naturally rebalance itself with the correct amount of beneficial bacteria and Candida, bringing you one step closer to an acne free skin.

Androgen Hormone Imbalance and Acne

The Adrenal Glands in the Kidneys produce Androgen Hormones.
The adrenal glands in the kidneys produce androgens, a hormone that binds to androgen receptors in the skin's sebaceous (oil) glands and stimulate it to produce oil, keeping the skin elastic and moisturized.

Anti-inflammatory prostaglandins, which are chemical messengers between androgens and androgen receptorsregulate and control androgen hormone activity in the skin's sebaceous (oil) glands and keep them in balance, so that just the right amount of oil will be produced.  The more androgen hormones the adrenal glands produce, the more anti-inflammatory prostaglandins are needed to balance and control it.

The excess androgen hormones are sent to the liver where it is then one of the liver’s responsibilities to deactivate and remove these excess androgen hormones as well as used androgen hormones.

The health of your liver has a significant impact on hormonal imbalance since it is responsible for removing excess and used androgen hormones from the bloodstream. However, when the liver becomes congested with toxins from a weak immune system, it is unable to properly remove these androgen hormones which eventually circulates back into the bloodstream where it accumulates, causing an androgen hormone imbalance. So basically, a weak immune system also indirectly contributes to androgen hormone imbalance.

The link between androgen hormones and liver function explains why even adults can experience hormonal imbalance. Although adults produce far less androgen hormones as compared to teenagers, poor liver function can still result in androgen hormones to accumulate in the bloodstream.

How androgen hormone imbalance affect the skin

When androgen hormones in the bloodstream accumulate beyond the prostaglandins' ability to control it, the sebaceous glands in the skin become over stimulated and triggered to produce and release excess oil to the surface of the skin. Excess oil production alone will only cause very oily skin and hair, not acne.

Factors that can trigger the adrenal glands to produce excess androgen hormones
  1. During puberty there is a sharp increase in androgen hormones, which is why acne is more prevalent during adolescence. Androgen hormones are present in both males and females, but it is found in higher levels in the male body. This explains why males tend to have more severe and longer lasting acne than females.
  2. Insulin spikes also promote increased levels of androgen hormones. That is why many acne sufferers experience increased breakouts when they consume simple carbs and sugars, which burn quickly and cause insulin spikes.
  3. Androgen production in females can also increase during ovulation and menstruation when estrogen levels tend to drop.

How to fix the problem

The bottom line is that regardless of your age, gender or acne type, anti-inflammatory prostaglandins and optimal liver function are the only two factors responsible for balancing androgen hormone levels. It’s important to know this if you are going to cure your acne using a nutritional approach.